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I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Valentine’s Day | I Love Myself Mini Book

Valentine’s Day | I Love Myself Mini Book

This mini-book is the perfect tool to introduce the meaning of self-love, encourage students to identify their personal strengths, explain the connection between self-love and their lives, and recognize their achievements. It instills a sense of pride in who they are, enabling them to reach their full potential. Through this resource, you can assist your students in developing a stronger sense of self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief, while also gaining a deeper understanding of themselves. Encourage your students to share and read their booklets or responses with their families for reinforcement. It serves as an excellent conversation starter for families as well! Additionally, this resource incorporates the main principles of the Growth Mindset and empowers children with social and emotional competencies. This resource includes: I Love Myself - Valentine’s Day - Mini-book in black and white (10 half pages). "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★** You May Like This Resources:** Valentine’s Day | I love Myself PowerPoint Presentation Valentine’s Day | I love Myself Craft --------------------------------------------"
Earth Day Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Decor

Earth Day Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Decor

Do you want to create an attractive classroom for Earth Day? Your classroom will be full of life and evoke a natural, ecological, and green environment! Make your students feel like they’re experiencing something new. They’ll get into the Earth Day spirit. Getting your classroom, door, or hallway ready takes minutes. You’ll leave a positive impression on kids, teachers, and parents. Encourage your students to think and write about how they can help the planet, and use their ideas for decorating. Everything is ready to print, cut out and hang in the classroom or hallway. This resource includes: Letters: -Large Size: 1 letter per page (9 pages in color) -Medium Size: 2 letters per page (5 pages in color) -Small Size: 3 letters per page (3 pages in color) Writing Prompt: -Student Writing Prompt (1 page in color) -Student Writing Prompt (1 page in B&W) Class Sign Posters: -Class Sign Editable Poster (1 page in color) -Class Sign Non-Editable Poster (1 page in color) Posters: -Posters (6 pages in color) Pennants: -Image Pennant (6 pages in color) -Team Pennant (1 page in color) Decor Images: -Cuttable Earth (1 page in color) -Earth Characters (1 page in color) -Flowers, Leaves, Tree (2 pages in color) Happy Earth Day! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You May Like These Resources: Earth Day PowerPoint Presentation Earth Day Activity Earth Day Week Challenge Craft Earth Day Draw and Write Earth Day Craft Arbor Day Craft Autumn - Fall Trees - Facebook Datasheets --------------------------------------------------------"
Día de la Tierra Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puertas

Día de la Tierra Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puertas

¿Quieres preparar una clase atractiva para el Día de la Tierra? Tu clase estará llena de vida y evocará un entorno natural, ecológico y verde. Haz que tus estudiantes sientan que están experimentando algo nuevo. Se contagiarán del espíritu del Día de la Tierra. Preparar la clase, la puerta o el pasillo te llevará unos minutos. Dejarás una impresión única y positiva en tus niños, maestros y padres. Anima a tus estudiantes a pensar y escribir sobre cómo pueden ayudar al planeta, y utiliza sus ideas para decorar y personalizar tu decoración. Todo está listo para imprimir, recortar y colgar en el aula o el pasillo. Siente el orgullo y tranquilidad de dejar tu clase o escuela más que lista para celebrar el día de la Tierra. Este recurso incluye: Letras: -Tamaño grande: 1 letra por página (15 páginas a color) -Tamaño mediano: 2 letras por página (8 páginas a color) -Tamaño pequeño: 3 letras por página (5 páginas en color) Ejercicio de Escritura: -Ejercicio de escritura (1 página a color) -Ejercicio de escritura (1 página a blanco y negro) Póster de la clase: -Póster de la clase editable (1 página a color) -Póster no editable (1 página a color) Pósteres: -Pósteres (6 páginas a color) Banderines -Banderín con imágenes (6 páginas a color) -Banderín de equipo (1 página a color) Imágenes Decorativas: -Tierra recortable (1 página a color) -Personajes de la Tierra (1 página a color) -Flores, hojas, árbol (2 páginas a color) ¡Feliz Día de la Tierra! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You May Like These Resources: Día de la Tierra Presentación PowerPoint Día de la Tierra | Tarjetas de Trabajo Día de la Tierra - Actividad Día de la Tierra Escribe y Dibuja Día del Árbol - Manualidad Día de la Tierra Manualidad Día de la Tierra Desafío de la Semana Manualidad Árboles de Otoño - Ficha Técnica de Facebook --------------------------------------------------------"
Fin de Año Escolar - Álbum

Fin de Año Escolar - Álbum

Este álbum es un tesoro de valor incalculable que conservará preciosos recuerdos para toda la vida, lo que lo convierte en un regalo ideal para sus estudiantes. Anima a sus estudiantes a dibujar y escribir en el álbum, convirtiéndolo en un recuerdo personalizado y entrañable. En el escuela, el tiempo pasa volando y los recuerdos se escapan con facilidad. Capturar momentos a través de imágenes es crucial para preservar estos recuerdos. Al crear este álbum, te aseguras de que los momentos especiales de tus estudiantes queden grabados y puedan ser revividos por las generaciones venideras. Imagínate la alegría y la nostalgia que evocarán estos recuerdos cuando los estudiantes hojeen el álbum y recuerden sus experiencias e importantes momentos. Este álbum es la forma perfecta de conmemorar el final del curso escolar, y sin duda provocará sonrisas y carcajadas tanto en las familias como en los niños. Así que no dudes en crear este álbum para tus estudiantes, ya que será una fuente de alegría y orgullo para todos los implicados. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Fin de Año Escolar - Álbum - Portada Página 2: Mi Pasado y Mi Presente Página 3: Mi Maestra/o Página 4: Mis amigos y Yo Página 5: My Classroom Página 6: Mi Clase Página 7: Mejores Recuerdos Página 8: Aprendí Página 9: Desafíos Que Superé Página 10: El Apoyo de Mi Familia Página 11: Extrañaré… Página 12: Próximo Curso Escolar - Mi Futuro ¡Feliz Fin de Curso! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related resources: Fin de Año Escolar - Actividades --------------------------------------------------------"
Día de Acción de Gracias - Letter Pack SPANISH VERSION

Día de Acción de Gracias - Letter Pack SPANISH VERSION

Este recurso anima a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre la importancia de la gratitud hacia los demás y las oportunidades que se les han brindado. La actividad ayuda a los niños a darse cuenta de los actos de bondad y apoyo que reciben de los demás y de la importancia de reconocerlos. Enseña a tus estudiantes a apreciar todo lo que tienen y logros que han alcanzado, en lugar de anhelar lo que no tienen. Con esta actividad, los niños aprenden a escribir cartas de gratitud y a expresar sus pensamientos y emociones en mensajes de agradecimiento a quienes les han ayudado y cuidado constantemente. Esta actividad no sólo fomenta los sentimientos de agradecimiento de los niños, sino que también nutre la empatía y cultiva habilidades esenciales. Este recurso incluye: Carta de Acción de Gracias, versión blanco y negro y a color. Partes de una carta de agradecimiento, versión blanco y negro y a color. Tarjetas de Acción de Gracias versión blanco y negro y a color. Sobre de Acción de Gracias versión blanco y negro y a color. Lista especial de agradecimiento versión blanco y negro. Modelo de lista especial de agradecimiento versión blanco y negro, para guiar a tus estudiantes a desarrollar la actividad. "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" ★ You may like these resources: Día de Acción de Gracias Letter Pack Día de Acción de Gracias - Manualidad Bienvenido Noviembre - Actividad Mensual --------------------------------------------" Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!
Thanksgiving Letter Pack

Thanksgiving Letter Pack

This resource encourages students to reflect on the importance of gratitude towards others and the opportunities they’ve been given. The activity helps children realize the acts of kindness and support they receive from others and the significance of acknowledging them. Teach students to appreciate their blessings and accomplishments instead of longing for what they don’t have. Through this activity, students learn to write gratitude letters and express their thoughts and emotions in thank-you messages for those who have consistently helped and cared for them. This activity not only fosters children’s feelings of appreciation but also nurtures empathy and cultivates essential skills. This resource includes: A Thanksgiving letter template in color and black and white, A worksheet or overhead transparency reviewing the parts of a letter, in color and black and white. Thanksgiving Cards in color and black and white. A worksheet sample of a special list to thank people and experiences in black and white. A special list template in black and white. Thanksgiving envelope in color and black and white. "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: [Thanksgiving Day PowerPoint Presentation] (http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12933618) Thanksgiving Day - Turkey Craft Welcome November - Monthly Activity --------------------------------------------" Happy Thanksgiving Day!
End of the School Year - Album

End of the School Year - Album

This album is an invaluable treasure that will preserve precious memories for a lifetime, making it an ideal gift for your students. Encourage your students to draw and write in the album, making it a personalized and cherished keepsake. Time flies quickly in school, and memories can easily slip away. Capturing moments through pictures is crucial to preserving these memories. By creating this album, you can ensure that the special moments of your students are recorded and can be relieved by generations to come. Just imagine the joy and nostalgia these memories will evoke, as your students flip through the album, recalling their experiences and milestones. This album is the perfect way to commemorate the end of the school year, and it will undoubtedly bring smiles and laughter to families and children alike. So, don’t hesitate to create this album for your students, as it will be a source of joy and pride for all involved. This resource includes: Page 1: End of the School Year Album - Cover Page 2: My Past and My Present Page 3: My Teacher Page 4: My Friends & Me Page 5: My Classroom Page 6: Favorite Subject(s) Page 7: Greatest Memories Page 8: I Learned Page 9: Challenges I Overcame Page 10: My Family’s Support Page 11: I’ll Miss Page 12: Next School Year - My Future Happy End of the School Year! "------------------------------ ★ You may like these resources: Download the Spanish Version -------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★Related resources: End of School Year Activities End of the School Year End of the School Year Task Cards | Self-Reflection Activity -------------------------------"
Fourth of July - Independence Day Activities BUNDLE

Fourth of July - Independence Day Activities BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the 4th of July - Independence Day Activities. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! All the activities included in this resource are carefully designed to honor Independence Day and the patriotic symbols associated with it. By delving deeper into the history of these symbols, the celebration becomes more profound and meaningful. The cootie catcher activity adds an element of fun for kids, allowing them to review and reinforce their knowledge of the country’s most important patriotic symbols. The pennants are perfect for adorning your school or classroom, fostering a sense of pride among children as they celebrate this significant event. This resource is highly recommended for summer school groups, offering valuable content and engaging activities. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Cootie Catcher with Patriotic Symbols (Black & White Version) - (English & Spanish Version) Cootie Catcher with Patriotic Symbols (Color Version) - (English & Spanish Version) Letter to the President (Needs - Wants and Proposals) - (English & Spanish Version) Pennant 1: Facts About 4th of July - (English & Spanish Version) Pennant 2: I am Thankful for My Country Because … (English & Spanish Version) Patriotic American Symbols (K - W - L Chart ) - (English & Spanish Version) Happy Independence Day!
Regreso a la Escuela  | Álbum de Monstruos

Regreso a la Escuela | Álbum de Monstruos

Este recurso es una opción ideal para las primeras semanas de clase, ya que proporciona un valioso apoyo durante este período de transición. El comienzo del curso académico puede ser un reto tanto para los estudiantes como para los maestros, ya que los niños necesitan tiempo para adaptarse y los maestros necesitan tiempo suficiente para establecer rutinas y procedimientos. Este álbum constituye una herramienta muy valiosa para que los estudiantes profundicen en sus emociones, expectativas, deseos y capacidades, al tiempo que permite a los maestros gestionar eficazmente su multitud de tareas en un plazo de tiempo limitado. Además, este recurso representa una excelente oportunidad para que los niños compartan sus percepciones y experiencias con sus familias. Al llevarse este álbum a casa, las familias pueden hacerse una idea de los sentimientos de sus hijos y obtener información valiosa sobre sus encuentros y logros en la escuela. Estoy segura que tu y tus estudiantes apreciarán y se beneficiarán enormemente de este valioso recurso. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Mi Nuevo Año Escolar Página 2: Mis Vacaciones Página 3: Mi Escuela Página 4: Mi Maestro/a Página 5: Hoja Informativa de Mi Clase Página 6: Hoja Informativa de las Clases Online Página 7: Este Año Escolar … Página 8: Un Mensaje para Mí Página 9: Si Necesito Ayuda … Página 10: Puedo Ayudar a Otros… Página 11: The School Year of My Dreams Página 12: ¿Cómo Puedo Hacer Realidad el Año Escolar de Mis Sueños? ¡Feliz regreso a la escuela! "------------------------------- ★Related Items: Descarga la Versión en Inglés -------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★ Recursos de REGRESO A LA ESCUELA que te van gustar: Regreso a la Escuela | Los Monstruos Aman la Escuela Actividades Regreso a la Escuela Monstruos Marcapáginas Manualidad Regreso a la Escuela Actividades Regreso a la Escuela Pósteres de Monstruos Regreso a la Escuela Monstruos Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puertas Regreso a la Escuela Actividades y Manualidades Álbum de Regreso a la Escuela - Visualizando mis Objetivos Mi Escuela - Bucket and Spade List - De Regreso a la Escuela Manualidad -------------------------------"
Moon Phases Stick Puppets, Bracelets and Cootie Catchers BUNDLE

Moon Phases Stick Puppets, Bracelets and Cootie Catchers BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Moon Phases Stick Puppets, Bracelets, and Cootie Catcher. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! The resource has 24 different puppets that include a line where students describe the main concepts of the moon phases. The stick puppets are perfect to understand the different ways the moon looks from Earth over about a month and also students explain this amazing process by playing roles. The bracelets are a great way to review the vocabulary and concepts learned. The cootie catcher is a fantastic game to ‘trick’ your students into learning without them even knowing it. Students understand the vocabulary and then explain the concepts learned about the different phases of the moon. Children also use the stick puppets to explain the Lunar Eclipse!" The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Moon Phases Bracelets - (English and Spanish Version) Moon Phases Cootie Catchers - (English and Spanish Version) Moon Phases Stick Puppets (24 puppets) - (English and Spanish Version) Enjoy the Moon Phases!
Back to School - Monsters Album

Back to School - Monsters Album

This resource is an ideal choice for the initial weeks of school, providing valuable support during this transitional period. The beginning of the school year can be challenging for both students and teachers, as children need time to adjust and teachers require ample time to establish routines and procedures. This album serves as an invaluable tool for students to delve into their emotions, expectations, desires, and abilities, while simultaneously enabling teachers to efficiently manage their multitude of tasks within a limited timeframe. Moreover, this resource presents an excellent opportunity for kids to share their insights and experiences with their families. By taking this album home, families can gain a glimpse into their children’s feelings and gain valuable information about their encounters and achievements at school. I am confident that you and your students will greatly appreciate and benefit from this invaluable resource. This resource includes: Page 1: New School Year Cover Page 2: My Vacations Page 3: My School Page 4: My Teacher Page 5: My Class Info Sheet Page 6: Online Lessons Info Sheet Page 7: This School Year… Page 8: A Message to Myself Page 9: If I Need Help… Page 10: I Can Help Others… Page 11: The School Year of My Dreams Page 12: How Can I Make the School Year of My Dreams Come True? Happy Back to School! "----------------------------- ★Download more versions: Download the Spanish Version -----------------------------" "---------------------------- ★ You may like these BACK TO SCHOOL resources: My School - Bucket and Spade List Craft New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals Back to School Activities and Crafts Back to School Monster Poster Free Sample! Back to School - Monsters Love School - Activities Back to School Monsters Bookmark Craft Back to School - Activities Back to School Activities - Google Slides Back to School Monsters Posters Back to School Monsters Decor | Bulletin Board and Door --------------------------------------------"
Rosa Parks Activity BUNDLE

Rosa Parks Activity BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Rosa Parks - Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This bundle is perfect for getting into the spirit! Some of the concepts and information about this amazing leader can be challenging for young learners, so I have created a resource that helps teach the most relevant information about Rosa Parks quickly and easily, in a way that they can enjoy and understand. Students will recognize the main facts of Rosa Parks’ life and complete a biography research worksheet. The pennant is excellent for decorating the school and the classroom. Kids will think like a leader and write their proposals, sharing their ideas and thoughts. Additionally, they will be able to take home a medal featuring this fantastic historical figure. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Rosa Parks Biography Research (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: If I Were a Leader Like Rosa Parks (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: Rosa Parks - Interesting Facts (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: Rosa Parks Pennant (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: Rosa Parks Medal - Freedom and Equality (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: Rosa Parks Medal - Empty version (English and Spanish Version) Happy Black History Month!
Día de la Tierra  Actividad

Día de la Tierra Actividad

Esta actividad del Día de la Tierra trata de valorar nuestro planeta. Los niños comparten sus conocimientos sobre la Tierra y lo que hacen para que nuestro mundo sea un lugar mejor para todos. Este recurso incluye un libro interactivo de la Tierra, en este libro, se guía a los estudiantes para que reflexionen sobre lo que nos proporciona nuestro planeta, y los niños se convierten en participantes activos a la hora de ayudar y crear estrategias para protegerlo. El Banderín de la Tierra es una forma estupenda de decorar la escuela, la clase o la casa con las ideas creativas de los estudiantes. Es una forma perfecta de celebrar el Día de la Tierra. La Corona de la Tierra es una actividad excelente para honrar a la Tierra. ¡Pongamos todos de nuestra parte para protegerla! Este recurso incluye: Libro del día de la tierra en blanco y negro (10 medias páginas) Banderín del día de la tierra en blanco y negro Una corona del día de la tierra en blanco y negro "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------ ★ You May Like these Resource: Día de la Tierra Presentación PowerPoint Día de la Tierra | Tarjetas de Trabajo Día de la Tierra Desafío de la Semana Manualidad Día del Árbol - Manualidad Día de la Tierra Escribe y Dibuja Día de la Tierra Manualidad Árboles de Otoño - Ficha Técnica de Facebook -------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz día de la Tierra!
St. Patrick's Day - Writing Activity BUNDLE

St. Patrick's Day - Writing Activity BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of St. Patrick’s Day - Writing Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Encourage your children to appreciate the genuine blessings in their lives: the ability to make a difference, experience emotions, love, and, most importantly, embrace their unique qualities. This activity emphasizes gratitude for what kids already possess and can contribute to others, rather than longing for what they lack. The activity provides a creative outlet for students to express their thoughts and wishes regarding luck and St. Patrick’s Day. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes two versions: The first version is designed to assist your students in recognizing and appreciating their own qualities and actions. The second version includes a shamrock template that can be utilized for drawing or writing lucky messages. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I AM... Positive Affirmations - Pumpkin Acrostics BUNDLE

I AM... Positive Affirmations - Pumpkin Acrostics BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of I AM … Positive Affirmations - Pumpkin Acrostic. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! his resource is a great activity designed in an acrostic structure for students to boost their motivation, confidence, and self-esteem. One of the greatest gifts that you could give your students is an ‘I AM + positive affirmation,’ as it enhances their chances of leading meaningful and fulfilling lives. Indeed, words can become meaningless for your kids when they aren’t followed with action. That is why students have to write all the actions or words that help them demonstrate positive change and grow. There is an empty acrostic version for students to write positive or trigger words that help with focus, motivation, and resiliency. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: I AM … Positive Affirmations in COLOR (English and Spanish) I AM … Positive Affirmations in BLACK AND WHITE (English and Spanish) I AM … Positive Affirmations, EMPTY in COLOR (English and Spanish) I AM … Positive Affirmations, EMPTY in BLACK AND WHITE (English and Spanish) Happy National Pumpkin Day!
Halloween - Banderines y Datos Principales - SPANISH BUNDLE

Halloween - Banderines y Datos Principales - SPANISH BUNDLE

4 Resources
Estos FANTÁSTICOS banderines son perfectos para decorar la escuela, la clase o los pasillos. Te recomiendo que los imprimas en cartulina resistente. Puedes fijarlos con una elegante cinta o con pinzas para la ropa. Estos banderines únicos no se encuentran en ningún otro sitio y añadirán un toque de distinción a tu clase. Los niños disfrutan mucho compartiendo sus disfraces. Más allá de la simple recogida de caramelos, son las experiencias lo que más aprecian y celebran. Días antes, durante o después de la emocionante celebración de Halloween, los niños se dibujan entusiasmados con sus disfraces, expresando sus expectativas, emociones y sentimientos. La hoja de trabajo Halloween datos principales, anima a los niños a profundizar en las tradiciones de Halloween y a adquirir una verdadera comprensión de su significado, permitiéndoles vivirlas y disfrutarlas con mayor sentido y alegría. This resource includes: Página 1: Halloween - Banderín Versión 1 - Fantasma Página 2: Halloween - Banderín Versión 2 - Bruja Página 3: Halloween - Banderín Versión 3 - Calabaza Página 4: Halloween - Datos Principales ¡Feliz Halloween!
Halloween Pennants / Banners and Main Facts - ENGLISH BUNDLE

Halloween Pennants / Banners and Main Facts - ENGLISH BUNDLE

4 Resources
These FANTASTIC pennants are perfect for decorating your school, classroom, and hallways! I highly recommend printing them on sturdy cardstock. You can either affix them to an elegant ribbon or attach them using clothes pegs. These unique pennants cannot be found anywhere else and will add a touch of distinction to your classroom! Children thoroughly enjoy sharing their costumes. Beyond simply collecting sweets, it is the experiences that they cherish and celebrate the most. Days before, during, or after the exhilarating Halloween celebration, kids excitedly draw themselves in their costumes, expressing their expectations, emotions, and feelings. The worksheet encourages children to delve deeper into Halloween traditions and gain a true understanding of their significance, allowing them to experience and enjoy them with greater meaning and joy. This resource includes: Page 1: Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 1 Ghost Page 2: Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 2 Witch Page 3: Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 3 Pumpkin Page 4: Halloween Main Facts Happy Halloween!
Arbor Day Craft BUNDLE

Arbor Day Craft BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Arbor Day Craft. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This resource offers a great opportunity to decorate your classroom with beautiful and informative trees, creating a learning environment that your students will love. Additionally, it includes writing prompts to encourage your students to explore the numerous benefits of trees, how to conserve them, and why we should all love and appreciate them. You can honor and celebrate this special event in a way that is unique to your classroom. Teach your students about the importance of trees and conservation, and watch them grow in their appreciation of the natural world! This activity is an engaging craft that you can customize based on your students’ interests and ideas. And the best part? You’ll be amazed and surprised by the comments written by your students! The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Things Trees Do For Us … (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: Reasons to Love Trees … (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: To Save the Trees I Can … (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: All About Trees … (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: Empty Template Version 1 Page 6: Empty Template Version 2 Page 7: Tree Leaves - Writing Prompts (English and Spanish Version) Page 8: Tree Leaves - Drawing activity (English and Spanish Version) Happy Arbor Day!
Día de los Muertos Presentación PowerPoint GS y PDF, Discussion Questions in SPANISH

Día de los Muertos Presentación PowerPoint GS y PDF, Discussion Questions in SPANISH

Presenta a tus estudiantes el vibrante mundo del Día de los Muertos con esta atractiva presentación de PowerPoint. Cada diapositiva contiene preguntas que invitan a la reflexión y suscitan debates, animando a los niños a explorar el significado más profundo de esta tradición mexicana. A través de estas preguntas, los estudiantes formarán una conexión más fuerte con la importancia cultural del Día de los Muertos mientras se mantienen curiosos y comprometidos. Con diseños brillantes y apropiados para la edad, esta presentación da vida a la celebración de una manera que cautiva a las mentes jóvenes sin abrumarlos. Es la herramienta perfecta para guiar a los estudiantes en un viaje significativo a esta rica tradición cultural. Esta presentación se ha diseñado para que resulte visualmente atractiva a los niños. Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: El Día de los Muertos Diapositiva 2: Día de los Muertos: un Momento para Recordar Diapositiva 3: De Dónde Proviene el Día de los Muertos Diapositiva 4: Cómo celebrar el Día de los Muertos Diapositiva 5: El altar y la Ofrenda Diapositiva 6: Otros símbolos Importantes del Día de los Muertos Diapositiva 7: Los 4 elementos del Día de los Muertos Diapositiva 8: Celebrando el Día de los Muertos Diapositiva 9: Día de los Muertos en el Mundo Diapositiva 10: ¿Qué Podemos Aprender de esta Celebración? Diapositiva 11: Yo Tomo Acción Diapositiva 12: Hemos aprendiso sobre - El Día de los Muertos Formatos: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images ¡Feliz Día de los Muertos! "--------------------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ---------------------------------------------------------"
The Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertos PowerPoint Presentation Discussion Q's

The Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertos PowerPoint Presentation Discussion Q's

Introduce students to the vibrant world of Día de los Muertos with this engaging PowerPoint presentation. Each slide features thought-provoking questions that inspire reflection and spark discussions, encouraging children to explore the deeper meaning and significance of this Mexican tradition. Through these questions, students will form a stronger connection to the cultural importance of Día de los Muertos while staying curious and engaged. With bright, age-appropriate designs, this presentation brings the celebration to life in a way that captivates young minds without overwhelming them. It’s the perfect tool to guide students on a meaningful journey into this rich cultural tradition. This resource includes: Slide 1: The Day of the Dead / Día de los Muertos Slide 2: Día de los Muertos: A Time to Remember Slide 3: Where Día de los Muertos Comes From Slide 4: How to Celebrate el Día de los Muertos Slide 5: The Altar and The Ofrenda Slide 6: Other Important Symbols of Día de los Muertos Slide 7: The 4 Elements of Dia de los Muertos Slide 8: Celebrating Día de los Muertos Slide 9: Día de los Muertos Around the World Slide 10: What Can We Learn from this Celebration? Slide 12: We have laerned about - Día de los Muertos Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Día de los Muertos! "--------------------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version ---------------------------------------------------------"